CryptoSys PKI Pro Manual


Returns the error code of the first error that occurred when calling the last function.

VBA/VB6 Syntax

Public Declare Function PKI_ErrorCode Lib "diCrPKI.dll" () As Long

nRet = PKI_ErrorCode()

C/C++ Syntax

long __stdcall PKI_ErrorCode(void);



Returns (VBA/C)

Returns the error code for the first error that occurred when calling the last function, or zero if no error occurred. This may be different from the error code returned by the function itself if more than one error occurred during the call to the function.

VBA Wrapper Syntax

Public Function pkiErrorCode() As Long

.NET Equivalent

General.ErrorCode Method

Python Equivalent

static Gen.error_code()


The value returned is always a non-negative integer.

For example, a call to CMS_MakeEnvData with one invalid X.509 certificate out of three would return 2 indicating two successful recipients. A call to PKI_ErrorCode() will indicate the error code for the invalid certificate. PKI_LastError() should have a more detailed error message.


   Dim nErrCode as Long
   nErrCode = PKI_ErrorCode()

See Also

PKI_LastError PKI_ErrorLookup Error codes

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