CryptoSys Home

Cryptography software tools for Visual Basic and C/C++/C# developers

The CryptoSysTM family of programming interfaces provides cryptography toolkits for developers.

CryptoSys PKI | CryptoSys API | SC14N | Xmlsq | diQRcode | FirmaSAT | What's new? | See also | FAQ | Contact us

Public key cryptography

CryptoSys PKI Pro is a library to carry out public key cryptography using RSA and ECDSA. You can generate and manage X.509 certificates, PKCS#8/PKCS#12 private keys and CMS/PKCS#7 objects. Includes all required supporting cryptographic utilities.

Symmetric cryptography

CryptoSys API provides "symmetrical" encryption using block ciphers like AES and Triple DES; stream ciphers ArcFour, Salsa and ChaCha20; message authentication algorithms HMAC, CMAC and KMAC; hash functions SHA-1, SHA-2 and SHA-3; and more.

XML canonicalization

SC14N performs the canonicalization (C14N) transformation you need to do when creating signed XML documents using XML-DSIG. It can carry out both "inclusive" and "exclusive" canonicalization. Includes a command-line interface.

XML simple query

xmlsq is a free simple lightweight utility to query XML documents using XPath 1.0. Use from the command line or via its programming interface.

QR code generator

diQRcode enables you to generate QR code images directly from your code or the command line.

Mexico SAT tax receipts

FirmaSAT is a specialist product to sign and analyze digital tax receipts (Comprobantes Fiscal Digital) as specified by the Servicio de AdministraciĆ³n Tributaria (SAT) in Mexico. Includes a command-line interface.
Download Trial Versions for all of the above in one convenient spot.

Just Released diQRcode 2021-04-04: Introducing diQRcode our new QR code generator. New version 4.0 released 2021-06-16 with support for SVG and GIF and PDF outputs.

What's New?

See also

See bdcalc our free calculator for the large natural numbers used in cryptography computations. More details and free downloads are available on the bdcalc page.


For more information, please send us a message.

This page last updated 19 December 2024